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 SIX GENERATIONS card games/playing cards, IMMIGRATION FROM EUROPE TO AMERICA edition is using the most popular first names for the characters from the times and countries they are from. The names were obtained at the bureaus of vital statistics of 21 nations. By clicking the name you will open a page with a man or a woman, who has this name on the card.

1. Aggie
2. Albert
3. Alice
4. Andras
5. Anna

6. Arnold
7. Arthur

8. Barbara
9. Bianca
10. Brenda
11. Bruno
12. Charles
13. Charlotte

14. Christina
15. Daphne
16. Dorothy
17. Douglas
18. Edward
19. Elizabeth
20. Emily
21. Emma

22. Erik
23. Florence
24. Frank
25. Gabriel
26. Galina
27. George
28. Gunnar
29. Harold
30. Harry
31. Helen
32. Henry
33. Isabel
34. Jacob
35. James
36. Jane
55. Minnie
56. Natasha
57. Patricia
58. Peter
59. Pierre
60. Quentin
61. Ramona
62. Robert
63. Sandra
64. Sean
65. Taras
66. Theodore
67. Theresa
68. Thomas
69. Vasily
70. Walter
71. Wanda
72. William
37. Jennifer
38. John
39. Joseph
40. Julia
41. Karl
42. Laura
43. Lillian
44. Linda
45. Lucy
46. Marcelo
47. Marek
48. Margaret
49. Marie
50. Mario
51. Martha
52. Mary
53. Michael
54. Mildred

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